Another Example of Apple Thinking So You Don’t (This, By The Way, Is Bad)
“I understand that Americans are kowtowing to a religion overseas. I don’t understand why this is happening and it’s wrong.”
Apple has, by far, the most Draconian and frightening policies towards content creation, individual rights and copyright. This is nothing new for those of us who write about, follow and engage in these realms.
Unfortunately, not everyone does.
Thankfully we have the Internets.
Recently, Apple banned the iSlam Muhammad App – which pulled violent quotes from the Koran – and gave the developer no recourse. That this happened on Everybody Draw Mohammad Day was certainly no co-incidence.
The App developer recorded his call with Apple as they told him his software didn’t jibe with Apple’s view of the world.
This is just another example of the company’s Orwellian belief that it – better than you – knows what kind of content you should see. And lest you think this is limited to Apps, check out this piece on the news.