As a joke, my social media students nominated me for Faculty/Staff Homecoming King. And then I won.
My students are funny. There is a strange arc that goes with being a student in my class. Not one that every single student follows, but definitely an arc that most do. The ins and outs aren’t important, but many of them come out the other side appreciative of what they went through. (Particularly those […]
When I was 8 years old, I remember watching the USA hockey team beat the Soviets. I remember because I was at my grandmother’s place. She had a small television, and while I didn’t understand exactly what was happening, I understood that it meant something. It was a different time and place, but watching the […]
IMDB: “Four slightly over-the-hill men finish a game on their neighborhood court and a debate develops about who loves the game the most. It becomes a meditation on love, dedication and basketball.”
My pal Glenn Platt posted this link on Facebook and I had to share for one reason: people get offended when I tell them I have little room for music in my life. I have tried to explain that I’m extremely fond of talented musicians, but most music doesn’t fall into that category. And I […]
I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don’t know the answer. – Douglas Adams
I’m reminded daily that my perception of the world is oftentimes not the reality of the world. I can’t make people want to be in my life. I can’t make events happen. When I start to get depressed about this, it’s good to remember it’s all about perspective.
This is the best description of my weekend. Despite the canceled trip to Cleveland (to be made up ASAP), my heart is light. For reasons that are unknown. That’s okay, though. I’m going with it. Here’s what it sounds like inside my insides:
I feel the need to start this with an apology. I’ve written, read, re-written and re-read this piece since 8 am. I’ve tinkered and toyed with it, trying to get it to say the thing that I want it to. I’m not sure I’ve accomplished that goal. It feels, at times, insufferable, which is the […]
I’ve spent the better part of Saturday domesticating: cleaned the house, cooked two desserts for this evening’s dinner, finished my laundry and re-arranged the artwork and living spaces. With the exception of the master bathroom, which I’m actually saving until tomorrow morning, there isn’t a spot of dust or dirty anywhere in my place. It […]