Content Marketing & Strategic Communications

I create compelling stories that showcase institutional achievements and innovations across digital and print platforms. Through feature articles, social media content, and visual narratives, I help organizations engage their stakeholders and advance strategic priorities.

Managing Editor & Project Management

As Managing Editor, I help guide Carnegie Mellon University exhibitions from concept to completion, working in creative teams to transform complex institutional stories into engaging narratives. I collaborate with experts, designers, and stakeholders to develop content strategies and provide editorial direction that brings these stories to life while meeting institutional goals.

The “Like, Totally Transformative: CMU in the 1980s” exhibit photographed on Wednesday, September 4, 2024,  at the Hunt Library.

Here to Stay: Celebrating 40 Years at the Architecture Archives

I managed the editorial process for Carnegie Mellon University’s Architecture Archives exhibit, copyediting all exhibit text and printed materials while […]

Editorial Leadership

As an editorial leader, I've directed multi-platform publishing operations across digital and print media for over 20 years. From pioneering multimedia storytelling at to building MIT Technology Review's digital news operation to scaling ETC Press into a leading academic publisher, I've consistently focused on innovating publishing workflows while maintaining editorial excellence and nurturing author relationships.

Operations I Managed

Technology & Culture Journalism

For more than a decade as a technology journalist, I covered digital culture and transformation for Wired and MIT Technology Review, documenting the evolution of technology's impact on society. My complete archives from both publications are available on Authorly, featuring coverage of digital divides, file-sharing wars, entertainment industry disruption, and emerging tech.

Notable Coverage Areas:

Digital Divide & Regional Technology

Technology & Entertainment Industry

Culture & Entertainment

Books I've Written

Dungeons & Dreamers

Dungeons & Dreamers: A story of how computer games created a global community follows the designers, developers, and players who built the virtual games and communities that define today’s digital entertainment landscape and explores the nature of what it means to live and thrive in virtual communities.

Books I've Edited

Bad Jobs & Bullshit (Vol. 1)

We think you’ll find the mix of essays, short stories, and poems in this collection speak to common experiences and make you feel less alone in your struggle against the grinding machine of entropy.

Literary Journals I've Edited

Archives & Additional Work

The Books that Influence My Writing Life